boss sd-1 (keeley) as dual version?

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boss sd-1 (keeley) as dual version?

Post by rudomat » Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:06 pm

i'm actually using a keeley modded sd-1 to get my crunchy plexi into modern higher gain mode (actually 80ies higher gain ...;-))
(gain between 0 and 8.30 maximum...)
now i'm searching for the exact same pedal, only as a dual version, so i could do high gain rhythm with one, and add just a hair of gain for solos with the second side...
is there sthg like that??? any hints...?
thanks a lot!

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Re: boss sd-1 (keeley) as dual version?

Post by visserman » Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:45 pm

Off course that is a great idea. Not sure if a pedal of that kind exists. You could used two SD-1's with different settings and toggle between them with a AB-box.
I was thinking of SD-2 but you will not get the same sound there.

When I read your post I was thinking about this pedal here.

It is not the sound of a SD-1 but it is a copy of a DS-1 and does exactly what you mentioned:
You can toggle between Stage 1 and Stage 2 to change your level of distortion without altering the basic sound. Really simple idea and not that many dist. pedals offer such a feature. Think about it, and this pedal is from the early 80s, really inventive and practical idea.

Just thinking, you could do it also by adding a EQ pedal. The GE-7 would do it as well since you can alter the level: Do not add-or cut anything of your EQ setting but alter the level, so you have created a boost to your sound. I know it is another extra pedal in your signal chain for such a simple feature, so it would be better to have something like that on just one pedal.

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Re: boss sd-1 (keeley) as dual version?

Post by Luke Drifter » Tue May 04, 2021 3:16 pm

One of the advantages of the Boss pedals is that you can put them side by side and hit them both at the same time with your foot, turning one off and the other on with one hit. i have two boss delays adjacent on my board for that reason. one set for a slapback and the other for a 500ms delay with some extra feedback. Although i have some great non-Boss delays (Replica, Chrono, Echo Park) which i use ocassionally, i keep the bosses (usually a DD2/3 and a DD7) on my board for that reason, to effectively A/B between them. And yes, the Chrono has presets, but it doesnt preset feedback (only delay time).

if i were in your shoes (if i were your shoes), i'd be looking at banging two SD-1s side by side
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Re: boss sd-1 (keeley) as dual version?

Post by The_Doc » Tue May 04, 2021 3:52 pm

I do exactly the same with delays using a DM-2W and a DD-7. Works a treat! Hadn’t thought about using two SD-1s and I might give that a go.

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Re: boss sd-1 (keeley) as dual version?

Post by bigtone23 » Sun May 30, 2021 8:22 pm
It's not BOSS, but this pedal can do exactly what you want. I only know this because I won one of these in a Premier Guitar giveaway and have become quite familiar with it.
You can configure the pedal with both sides set up diode/asymmetric/low gain and it behaves much like our beloved SD1.
The catch is that I would have never bought one, as they are $200ish. You could probably find 2 MIJ SD1 for the same deal.

I know a lot of Phish/Trey fans using two TS9s in the way you are describing, too.
I use 2 delays all the time, a longer, digital that taps and an analog for the short stuff.

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Re: boss sd-1 (keeley) as dual version?

Post by NeavesTheKnight » Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:09 am

I was at one time looking for the same thing.
I never ended up finding anything that did the job.
I even bought another “Keeley Modded” sd-1 and it turned out to be I think modded by Mammoth and not exactly Keeley and this was right before the Keeley mods stopped being made available.
Anyway it sounded different from my original.
I ended going into coreldraw and designing the exterior of a dual version and even showed it to Robert. He said it looked cool but didn’t show any interest in wanting to make it so I’m still on the hunt as well to this day for a proper dual setup.

rudomat wrote:
Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:06 pm
i'm actually using a keeley modded sd-1 to get my crunchy plexi into modern higher gain mode (actually 80ies higher gain ...;-))
(gain between 0 and 8.30 maximum...)
now i'm searching for the exact same pedal, only as a dual version, so i could do high gain rhythm with one, and add just a hair of gain for solos with the second side...
is there sthg like that??? any hints...?
thanks a lot!

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