Guitar Cab Mics

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Luke Drifter
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Guitar Cab Mics

Post by Luke Drifter » Mon Jul 18, 2022 2:45 pm

What are your favourite cab mics?

Ive always gotten away with the good ole 57, because they're cheap and they are an industry standard

My good ole 57 is getting, well, good and old, and a NOS black (older version) Sennheiser 609 has come up for sale cheap, so i reckon i'll grab that and see how i like it

what are your favourite mics for live use?
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Re: Guitar Cab Mics

Post by Pepe » Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:49 pm

I haven't used it live, but the Sennheiser e609 is a great amp microphone for my needs.
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Re: Guitar Cab Mics

Post by laurie » Mon Jul 18, 2022 4:57 pm

Sm57 for me.

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Re: Guitar Cab Mics

Post by The_Doc » Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:00 pm

SM 57 for me too.

Luke Drifter
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Re: Guitar Cab Mics

Post by Luke Drifter » Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:25 am

I gather the current e609 (silver version) is quite a "bright" mic, and that the e906 on its bright EQ setting is equivalent to that sound. Good for country and metal, i am led to believe (I love the way country and metal guitar players often have the same tone requirements)

The 906 on its flat setting is what the 609 used to sound like (the black version that I have just ordered NOS) which is a good deal warmer than the current (silver) e609

I think the black e609 is roughly comparable to the SM57, and the silver e609 is noticeably brighter

Thats the story I have in my head for the minute, at any rate.
Jerem, Jeremy on BAF and SBZ

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Re: Guitar Cab Mics

Post by Pepe » Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:52 am

The e609 is for sure very bright. I like it that way, but it can pick up a lot of noise as well, so you have to find the right spot to make it sound as you want it.
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Re: Guitar Cab Mics

Post by bigtone23 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:26 am

Big fan of the SM57. Also like the older, darker 609. Audix I5 is cool, too.

Luke Drifter
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Re: Guitar Cab Mics

Post by Luke Drifter » Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:51 am

I ended up with a NOS black 609 and a brand new 906

I got the 609 really cheap - and then discovered what people are selling them for these days!

so I decided to keep it safe in its case for now, and get a modern disposable 906

The 906 on its flat setting sound identical to my ears to the black 609
Jerem, Jeremy on BAF and SBZ

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